Business on sewing bed linen
It would seem nothing complicated: stay at home and neck bright underwear, sell and receive money. But not everything is so simple. Having made a whole pile of cotton bed…

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Fabric store business plan
Mass-produced clothing will never be able to fully satisfy all customers, there is always the part that wants to look different from everyone - these are customers of individual tailoring…

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Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” - wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong…

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Linen and hammer or exclusive handmade home textiles

Who does not like things from natural fabrics with unique prints? The Knocknock workshop for hand-printing and linocuts helps customers fantasize about this topic endlessly. Meet the founding master Daria Gladskih, who became the heroine of our heading “Your Business”.

We create home textiles, with prints that we print by hand, in the technique of printing. This is a method of manual printing when a coated ink stamp is placed on the fabric and hit on with a hammer. Therefore, in our workshop constantly heard the sound of a hammer: knock-knock.

In the heel it is customary to use wooden stamps. We make them from special linoleum. And we cut each stamp ourselves from our sketches. In this way we combine the tint with linocut. In addition, the use of your own sketches allows you to order “your” thing, which will be yours only, because each product that we create is unique.

The desire to do something of their own appeared in the first years of study. I was thinking about my future, and more and more often there was a desire to go about my business. I looked at successful Ukrainian startups and was inspired.

Pushed the story of the founders of one of the restaurants in Ivano-Frankivsk. They wanted so much their restaurant to develop and prosper, that they … it worked out. Now they are doing fine. Of course, nothing would have happened by itself, they worked a lot, studied and developed. Cool guys, absolutely not like the typical restaurateurs – open, funny, responsive and active. Their example really inspired me.

We have invested our money in starting a business. The most difficult thing in the first 365 days was to simply go further, because not everything went according to plan. Often there was a question in my head: “Is it worth it to continue?”. Now there is no doubt.

Payback has not yet come out, all the proceeds are invested in the business. A lot of plans and tasks, for example, we plan to make covers for yoga mats.

All materials while buying in Ukraine. Flax, most often, Belarusian. Acrylic for printed fabric, French or German.

I personally develop prints. We have the opportunity to “fill” the picture for the client.

Our first clients were predictably friends, acquaintances, and then friends of friends 🙂

The most important thing in working with a client is accuracy, politeness, speed.
We promote our product through facebook, instagram, actively participate in the markets.
Personal motto: “Any end is a new beginning.”
In our industry there are a couple of successful European guys. We follow their instagrams and pages on Etsy.
My mom inspires me. She is a journalist and loves her job very much. Sometimes it can not be torn from work. Also, my young man and future husband, Vitaly, inspires me. He is incredibly hardworking and assiduous. All started business brings to the end.

To relieve stress, I practice hatha yoga, breathing pranayama (breathing exercises). Watching a movie. I see friends. I walk in the fresh air.

My day starts with yoga or a full body workout. Then two glasses of water, shower and breakfast.

A bad habit that I can’t get rid of: compare.

In order not to give up in a difficult moment, we must look at the situation from the other side and try to find a positive in everything.

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Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” - wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong…


Comfortable sleep as a gift
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