Another way to attract a guest again
According to statistics, the hotel guest spends in bed 80% of the total time spent at the hotel. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the maximum comfort of the…

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Spring mood: update textile decor in the room
General requirements for quality and consumer characteristicsHoteliers impose quite stringent requirements on hotel textiles: high quality and ease of operation, the ability to use machine washing and drying, convenient for…

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Another way to attract a guest again
According to statistics, the hotel guest spends in bed 80% of the total time spent at the hotel. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the maximum comfort of the…

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a large area gives

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How to open a lingerie store: step by step business plan

A business plan is one of the components of a successful launch of any business project. A clearly written plan containing information about the estimate, the steps to be taken, the calculation of payback and possible profit is the key to success for the entrepreneur.

It includes information on the financial strategy that must be calculated in advance, production and organizational plans, as well as information on the creation of a marketing plan, an analysis of the target audience and related documents. If you are interested in the idea of ​​a lingerie store, read the detailed business plan. Continue reading

More more We open a store of children’s goods: a business plan

Although there is a crisis in the street, some businesses continue to grow. And in this list a special place is occupied by the production and sale of children’s goods and clothing for pregnant women.

“The fact is that even during the crisis, Ukrainian women become mothers. And accordingly, this category of clients needs special clothes. In addition, newborns are growing rapidly: they constantly need new bodys, jackets, blouses. Continue reading

Printing pictures on clothes

How can you get 30% profit in 40 thousand in a year? Invest these funds in print on clothes, or just on fabric. This capital is enough to open a printing house with its own equipment, monthly expenses for materials and workers. It’s good news that the demand for such a product still exceeds the market supply, so there is a place for those who want it. Today they print on anything, even on paper bags.

The total volume of the market for products printed on textiles is difficult to estimate. After all, the number of such products at times increases during political campaigns or mass celebrations, and the producers of these products are not known for certain. Continue reading

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Terry comfort
The hotel is a temporary shelter, which, replacing the house, gives its guests coziness, comfort and care. And it is with care that terry products are associated, which have become…


Another way to attract a guest again
According to statistics, the hotel guest spends in bed 80% of the total time spent at the hotel. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the maximum comfort of the…


Fabric store business plan
Mass-produced clothing will never be able to fully satisfy all customers, there is always the part that wants to look different from everyone - these are customers of individual tailoring…


Business - sewing production
How to organize sewing production.Recently, many of our fellow citizens increasingly began to sew things to order. First, prices for ready-made clothes are increasing every day. Secondly, often clothes that…
