Fabric store business plan
Mass-produced clothing will never be able to fully satisfy all customers, there is always the part that wants to look different from everyone - these are customers of individual tailoring…

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Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” - wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong…

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Business Plan atelier tailoring
In any of the cities of our country, we will find a huge number of stores that may well meet the demand for clothing. Despite the variety of assorted, in…

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because not everything

Bed linen for children: tips on choice, materials, sizes

Putting the baby to sleep on time is not an easy task. A bedtime story, a glass of warm milk, a cozy atmosphere in the room and, of course, beautiful bed linen will help to cope with it. The quality requirements for sleeping sets for children are very high. Textiles should be safe, pleasant to the touch. You also need to choose the right size so that the pillowcase does not fall off the pillow, and the blanket does not shrink inside the duvet cover. Let us consider in more detail the best fabrics for baby bedding, features of choice and popular sizes. Continue reading

How to open a lingerie store: step by step business plan

A business plan is one of the components of a successful launch of any business project. A clearly written plan containing information about the estimate, the steps to be taken, the calculation of payback and possible profit is the key to success for the entrepreneur.

It includes information on the financial strategy that must be calculated in advance, production and organizational plans, as well as information on the creation of a marketing plan, an analysis of the target audience and related documents. If you are interested in the idea of ​​a lingerie store, read the detailed business plan. Continue reading

More more We open a store of children’s goods: a business plan

Although there is a crisis in the street, some businesses continue to grow. And in this list a special place is occupied by the production and sale of children’s goods and clothing for pregnant women.

“The fact is that even during the crisis, Ukrainian women become mothers. And accordingly, this category of clients needs special clothes. In addition, newborns are growing rapidly: they constantly need new bodys, jackets, blouses. Continue reading

Business Plan store textiles
The business interest lies in the fact that it is an alternative to trade in ready-made clothing of mass production. By selling fabrics, you give women the opportunity to show…


Tissue Paradise
Line of business Home textiles unite an extensive group of products: interior fabrics, bed linen, towels and bathrobes, furniture covers. The first thing that a potential buyer of home textiles…


How to open a lingerie store: step by step business plan
A business plan is one of the components of a successful launch of any business project. A clearly written plan containing information about the estimate, the steps to be taken,…


Caring novelties for sleep and rest
Most of all, people appreciate caring for them. And sometimes things that are insignificant at first glance, with the addition of care in them, work wonders. A comfortable mattress and…
