Elite as a daily necessity
Until the beginning of the 15th century, bed linen was used only in rich houses and castles. Everywhere, making beds in fabrics began in Europe only in the Renaissance. In…

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Business plan for tailoring
People almost regularly buy new clothes, why? It's simple, because old clothes wear out and tear. For the female half of the population, things are a little more complicated: clothes…

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Heimtextil 2020 - International exhibition of home textiles and fabrics for interior decoration
Heimtextil is held annually since 1971 and is the leading European exhibition of home textiles and fabrics for interior decoration. On Heimtextil you can see fabrics and upholstery, draperies, curtains,…

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formation of profits

Turkish textiles – quality, benefits and style!

Surely for each of us the phrase “Turkish textile” or “clothing from Turkey” has long been familiar. In addition to luxury resorts, interesting sights and delicious food for decades, this country has been associated with cheap and high-quality textiles, clothing and knitwear. This is not surprising, because Turkey is the world leader in the cultivation and processing of cotton.

Those times when the shelves of Russian stores were littered with low-quality cheap Turkish knitwear, already in the past. Currently, a huge number of factories are operating in the country, producing stylish, good-quality clothes from their own raw materials of excellent quality, which makes its cost price minimal. Continue reading

Gourmet Sleep Pillows

When a guest enters a hotel room, his gaze on a subconscious level is primarily focused on curtains and bedspreads. They are responsible for the first impression of the room. But their mission is not only to please the guest, to give him a feeling of comfort. They should make his stay in the space of the room comfortable and safe.

From the point of view of textile design, it is important that the covers of the hotel room are in harmony with the curtains and correspond to the general corporate style of the hotel. Continue reading

Spring mood: update textile decor in the room

General requirements for quality and consumer characteristicsHoteliers impose quite stringent requirements on hotel textiles: high quality and ease of operation, the ability to use machine washing and drying, convenient for the work of maids pillowcases, duvet covers, mattress covers and others. In addition to this, there are special requirements for certain types of textile products for hotels. The textile produced by Strong meets all these requirements. Continue reading

Fabric store - how to start this business?
Before opening a fabric store, you need to analyze your competitors, find out what kind of goods they offer, what is in demand, what suppliers they buy from. And of…


Business on sewing bed linen
It would seem nothing complicated: stay at home and neck bright underwear, sell and receive money. But not everything is so simple. Having made a whole pile of cotton bed…


Fabric store business plan
Mass-produced clothing will never be able to fully satisfy all customers, there is always the part that wants to look different from everyone - these are customers of individual tailoring…


Tissue Paradise
Line of business Home textiles unite an extensive group of products: interior fabrics, bed linen, towels and bathrobes, furniture covers. The first thing that a potential buyer of home textiles…
