How to open a lingerie store: step by step business plan
A business plan is one of the components of a successful launch of any business project. A clearly written plan containing information about the estimate, the steps to be taken,…

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Secrets of the organization of business selling home textiles
Assortment Definition One of the most important issues that the future merchant has to decide is to determine the range of his shop. On the one hand, home textiles are…

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Business Plan fur shop, sale of fur coats
In our country, where a cold winter reigns for several months, fur clothing enjoys special love. According to experts, on the consumption of fur Russia is a leader in the…

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Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” – wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong partnerships with factories in Pakistan, Turkey, China, Belarus. Large manufacturers helped to form a large range of products, stand out among competitors and offer the buyer prices, one of the lowest in Ukraine. Continue reading

How to open a bedding shop from scratch

Why is a bedding shop an attractive business idea?
The demand for home textiles is constant, so the profitability of the business can be predicted. Bed linen is a product that is easy to trade (it does not deteriorate), accounting in the store will not be difficult. To start the business requires a little investment, preparing for the opening of the point does not take much time. Continue reading

Your business: open a lingerie store

An underwear shop is perhaps not the most original business idea, but it is unlikely to ever lose its relevance. From the point of view of marketers, underwear is an ideal product, on which the beautiful half of humanity will save the very last.

Lingerie, like other toilet articles, tends to wear out, go out of fashion, lose its relevance or just annoy its owner. Modern Russian women with an income level of medium and higher prefer high-quality, beautiful and expensive models. Continue reading

Happy Bagel: how two friends sell children's textiles in the center of the capital
Vera Ivanova told Kontur. Magazine, how to start a business with minimal investment, why other social networks lose Instagram and why all customers - from offline stores to private customers…


Office sofas and poufs. Furniture for public spaces
Office sofas and poufs. Furniture for public spaces The Smart Balls project was born in 2007, when we built the interior of a rest room and informal negotiations in the…


How to choose textiles for the hotel
Today the textile market in Russia is quite diverse, but often this textile is not of the best quality. From my own experience, we can say that hoteliers choose bed…


How to open a confiscated business
In the public mind, trade in confiscated goods is a fairly simple type of business, based on the fact that an entrepreneur buys a large batch of goods seized at…
