Standard Textile: Experience and Quality
Standard Textile is an international textile company. We believe that our main commitment is the need to help our clients succeed by developing innovative technologies to create high-quality textile products,…

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Secrets of the organization of business selling home textiles
Assortment Definition One of the most important issues that the future merchant has to decide is to determine the range of his shop. On the one hand, home textiles are…

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Tissue Paradise
Line of business Home textiles unite an extensive group of products: interior fabrics, bed linen, towels and bathrobes, furniture covers. The first thing that a potential buyer of home textiles…

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Business Plan fur shop, sale of fur coats

In our country, where a cold winter reigns for several months, fur clothing enjoys special love. According to experts, on the consumption of fur Russia is a leader in the world.Virtually every lady believes that in her wardrobe there must be a fur coat, this is considered a sign of perspectivity and high style. Therefore, despite all the fears of the economic crisis, a business built on the sale of fur coats is very promising. In order to competently organize the sale of fur coats, create a decent fur shop and avoid current problems as much as possible, a carefully crafted business plan is needed. Continue reading

Textile Industry Market Review
GENERAL INFORMATION Textiles are products made from flexible, soft fibers and threads (fabrics, cotton, netting, etc.), usually made from yarn on a loom. Textiles also include non-woven fabric: knitwear, felt,…


Bed linen and home textiles. We are building a business with Turkey
Natalya Gerasimchuk, Director of Home Comfort - on how to build a business selling luxury textiles.I had the idea to build my own home textile business three years ago. It…


Gourmet Sleep Pillows
When a guest enters a hotel room, his gaze on a subconscious level is primarily focused on curtains and bedspreads. They are responsible for the first impression of the room.…


Business on home textiles - the secrets of the organization
Towels, bedding, furniture covers, blankets, pillows, bedspreads and curtains are all home textiles. Today, no housewife can do without it, because it is thanks to such trifles that the house…
