Caring novelties for sleep and rest
Most of all, people appreciate caring for them. And sometimes things that are insignificant at first glance, with the addition of care in them, work wonders. A comfortable mattress and…

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Another way to attract a guest again
According to statistics, the hotel guest spends in bed 80% of the total time spent at the hotel. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the maximum comfort of the…

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Textile business: textile production from A to Z.
In the first place in terms of demand for products has always stood and will stand the food market. This is not surprising, because it is here that goods that…

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clothing company

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Strong. Flying in a dream and in reality!

It will take quite a bit of time, and the company Strong, specializing in the creation of unique products for sleep, will be able to pronounce congratulatory words to people who are already consumers of our products, and those who are just going to become them. A new 2014 is coming, which sets us the eternal, very simple, but at the same time rather difficult question: “How to bestow others?” Those who work in the hospitality industry think about it today. And indeed: what gift, besides the sparkling New Year program, can surprise and delight everyone who celebrates the New Year in a hotel today? Continue reading

Terry comfort

The hotel is a temporary shelter, which, replacing the house, gives its guests coziness, comfort and care. And it is with care that terry products are associated, which have become an indispensable attribute of a modern hotel room. A soft towel, a fluffy bathrobe, light slippers … these things, as if embracing the guests, give them pleasant feelings of tenderness and homely peace. Therefore, it is very important that they are really soft, comfortable and beautiful. The Strong company offers a wide and diverse range of terry products, guaranteeing their quality.

From towel to sheet Continue reading

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Standard Textile: Experience and Quality
Standard Textile is an international textile company. We believe that our main commitment is the need to help our clients succeed by developing innovative technologies to create high-quality textile products,…


Business Plan atelier tailoring
In any of the cities of our country, we will find a huge number of stores that may well meet the demand for clothing. Despite the variety of assorted, in…


The sides in the crib recently captured social networks. Only lazy people do not sew them, and almost every second mother on maternity leave tried to open her own online…


Business Plan fur shop, sale of fur coats
In our country, where a cold winter reigns for several months, fur clothing enjoys special love. According to experts, on the consumption of fur Russia is a leader in the…
