Business Plan fur shop, sale of fur coats
In our country, where a cold winter reigns for several months, fur clothing enjoys special love. According to experts, on the consumption of fur Russia is a leader in the…

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Business Plan store textiles
The business interest lies in the fact that it is an alternative to trade in ready-made clothing of mass production. By selling fabrics, you give women the opportunity to show…

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Comfortable sleep as a gift
Stop the choice on the arrangement of the bedroom for your family or make small acquisitions for a cozy nest of friends or relatives will help the company "Strong." For…

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leading manufacturers of Europe

Standard Textile: Experience and Quality

Standard Textile is an international textile company. We believe that our main commitment is the need to help our clients succeed by developing innovative technologies to create high-quality textile products, both in hospitality and health care.

In our work we are guided by four rules: concept, development, result, implementation. Conscious desire for innovation combines production and the consumer into one, to help design the most unique products in complexity. Continue reading

Business plan store curtains
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this project is to open a store of curtains with the purpose of retail sale of prisoners and related products in a city with…


How to open a bedding shop from scratch
Why is a bedding shop an attractive business idea? The demand for home textiles is constant, so the profitability of the business can be predicted. Bed linen is a product…


Business plan for tailoring
People almost regularly buy new clothes, why? It's simple, because old clothes wear out and tear. For the female half of the population, things are a little more complicated: clothes…


Gourmet Sleep Pillows
When a guest enters a hotel room, his gaze on a subconscious level is primarily focused on curtains and bedspreads. They are responsible for the first impression of the room.…
