Own business: the production of church clothing
Today in the world dozens, if not hundreds, of different religions confess. Among them are the largest, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, to which a total of at least…

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Strong. Flying in a dream and in reality!
It will take quite a bit of time, and the company Strong, specializing in the creation of unique products for sleep, will be able to pronounce congratulatory words to people…

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Printing pictures on clothes
How can you get 30% profit in 40 thousand in a year? Invest these funds in print on clothes, or just on fabric. This capital is enough to open a…

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sewing machine at the user level


With the onset of difficult times, your business became a fix idea not only for me, but also for the whole country. Like most women, I was looking for a way to make money in purely female areas, but I was not interested in nail and eyelash extensions, visage and so on. And then I remembered that in my youth I took courses in cutting and sewing and I even owned a sewing machine.
Getting things started is to collect data. Continue reading

Linen and hammer or exclusive handmade home textiles
Who does not like things from natural fabrics with unique prints? The Knocknock workshop for hand-printing and linocuts helps customers fantasize about this topic endlessly. Meet the founding master Daria…


Printing pictures on clothes
How can you get 30% profit in 40 thousand in a year? Invest these funds in print on clothes, or just on fabric. This capital is enough to open a…


Another way to attract a guest again
According to statistics, the hotel guest spends in bed 80% of the total time spent at the hotel. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the maximum comfort of the…


How to turn dreams into sweet dreams?
How to make the client's bed to make him want to come back here again, and what kind of underwear should be purchased for the hotel? From 24 hours of…
