Turkish textiles - quality, benefits and style!
Surely for each of us the phrase "Turkish textile" or "clothing from Turkey" has long been familiar. In addition to luxury resorts, interesting sights and delicious food for decades, this…

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Sewing children's clothes
Business Relevance Sewing children's clothes is a current type of business, because the demand for products for children is always high and does not depend on the time of year.…

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More more We open a store of children's goods: a business plan
Although there is a crisis in the street, some businesses continue to grow. And in this list a special place is occupied by the production and sale of children's goods…

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cotton has incredible prints

How to open a lingerie store: step by step business plan

A business plan is one of the components of a successful launch of any business project. A clearly written plan containing information about the estimate, the steps to be taken, the calculation of payback and possible profit is the key to success for the entrepreneur.

It includes information on the financial strategy that must be calculated in advance, production and organizational plans, as well as information on the creation of a marketing plan, an analysis of the target audience and related documents. If you are interested in the idea of ​​a lingerie store, read the detailed business plan. Continue reading


Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” – wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong partnerships with factories in Pakistan, Turkey, China, Belarus. Large manufacturers helped to form a large range of products, stand out among competitors and offer the buyer prices, one of the lowest in Ukraine. Continue reading

Business on maternity leave: how to open an atelier for babies

Many office workers do not produce a product that can be held in their hands. To these, until recently, belonged to the Muscovite Victoria Milonova, who worked in the field of PR. It was the desire to physically touch the result of their activity that pushed her to make needlework more tight during her maternity leave. Continue reading

With the onset of difficult times, your business became a fix idea not only for me, but also for the whole country. Like most women, I was looking for a…


Business - sewing production
How to organize sewing production.Recently, many of our fellow citizens increasingly began to sew things to order. First, prices for ready-made clothes are increasing every day. Secondly, often clothes that…


Business plan for the production of knitted clothes
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This business plan considers the creation of its own production of knitted full-cycle clothing. Production will be located in a city with a population of over 1…


Spring mood: update textile decor in the room
General requirements for quality and consumer characteristicsHoteliers impose quite stringent requirements on hotel textiles: high quality and ease of operation, the ability to use machine washing and drying, convenient for…
