Elite as a daily necessity
Until the beginning of the 15th century, bed linen was used only in rich houses and castles. Everywhere, making beds in fabrics began in Europe only in the Renaissance. In…

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How does the textile business
If you think that somewhere in the world there is a place where there are workshops under the sign KENZO or KVADRAT with large weaving machines and pretty weavers -…

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Business plan store curtains
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this project is to open a store of curtains with the purpose of retail sale of prisoners and related products in a city with…

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but also feel

More more We open a store of children’s goods: a business plan

Although there is a crisis in the street, some businesses continue to grow. And in this list a special place is occupied by the production and sale of children’s goods and clothing for pregnant women.

“The fact is that even during the crisis, Ukrainian women become mothers. And accordingly, this category of clients needs special clothes. In addition, newborns are growing rapidly: they constantly need new bodys, jackets, blouses. Continue reading


Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” – wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong partnerships with factories in Pakistan, Turkey, China, Belarus. Large manufacturers helped to form a large range of products, stand out among competitors and offer the buyer prices, one of the lowest in Ukraine. Continue reading

Office sofas and poufs. Furniture for public spaces

Office sofas and poufs. Furniture for public spaces
The Smart Balls project was born in 2007, when we built the interior of a rest room and informal negotiations in the office of one company. And we, of course, wanted to put frameless chairs there. But all that we found was simply terrifying quality (even including the famous and very expensive Sacco from Zanotta). We simply could not put our workers on “this.” We realized that the space was free, we came to our friends in the design bureau Ostengruppe, began to discuss what can be thought out and how to develop – and everything started to turn around … Continue reading

Textile business: textile production from A to Z.
In the first place in terms of demand for products has always stood and will stand the food market. This is not surprising, because it is here that goods that…


Sewing children's clothes
Business Relevance Sewing children's clothes is a current type of business, because the demand for products for children is always high and does not depend on the time of year.…


Textile Industry Market Review
GENERAL INFORMATION Textiles are products made from flexible, soft fibers and threads (fabrics, cotton, netting, etc.), usually made from yarn on a loom. Textiles also include non-woven fabric: knitwear, felt,…


Sewing children's clothes
Business Relevance Sewing children's clothes is a current type of business, because the demand for products for children is always high and does not depend on the time of year.…
