Business Plan fur shop, sale of fur coats
In our country, where a cold winter reigns for several months, fur clothing enjoys special love. According to experts, on the consumption of fur Russia is a leader in the…

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Business plan for the production of knitted clothes
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This business plan considers the creation of its own production of knitted full-cycle clothing. Production will be located in a city with a population of over 1…

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Business Plan fur shop, sale of fur coats
In our country, where a cold winter reigns for several months, fur clothing enjoys special love. According to experts, on the consumption of fur Russia is a leader in the…

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still at a very low level

Your business: open a lingerie store

An underwear shop is perhaps not the most original business idea, but it is unlikely to ever lose its relevance. From the point of view of marketers, underwear is an ideal product, on which the beautiful half of humanity will save the very last.

Lingerie, like other toilet articles, tends to wear out, go out of fashion, lose its relevance or just annoy its owner. Modern Russian women with an income level of medium and higher prefer high-quality, beautiful and expensive models. Continue reading

Fabric store business plan
Mass-produced clothing will never be able to fully satisfy all customers, there is always the part that wants to look different from everyone - these are customers of individual tailoring…


Standard Textile: Experience and Quality
Standard Textile is an international textile company. We believe that our main commitment is the need to help our clients succeed by developing innovative technologies to create high-quality textile products,…


How does the textile business
If you think that somewhere in the world there is a place where there are workshops under the sign KENZO or KVADRAT with large weaving machines and pretty weavers -…


More more We open a store of children's goods: a business plan
Although there is a crisis in the street, some businesses continue to grow. And in this list a special place is occupied by the production and sale of children's goods…
