Happy Bagel: how two friends sell children's textiles in the center of the capital
Vera Ivanova told Kontur. Magazine, how to start a business with minimal investment, why other social networks lose Instagram and why all customers - from offline stores to private customers…

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Comfortable sleep as a gift
Stop the choice on the arrangement of the bedroom for your family or make small acquisitions for a cozy nest of friends or relatives will help the company "Strong." For…

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Business on maternity leave: how to open an atelier for babies
Many office workers do not produce a product that can be held in their hands. To these, until recently, belonged to the Muscovite Victoria Milonova, who worked in the field…

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high probability to attract customers

How to open a confiscated business

In the public mind, trade in confiscated goods is a fairly simple type of business, based on the fact that an entrepreneur buys a large batch of goods seized at customs at a very low price, and then sells it with a very large premium, but is still cheaper than this product is sold at retail. . However, it should be noted that confiscated is not only customs, while getting customs confiscated in the implementation of the most difficult, there are a huge number of features that must be considered before starting work. Continue reading

Business Plan atelier tailoring

In any of the cities of our country, we will find a huge number of stores that may well meet the demand for clothing. Despite the variety of assorted, in fact, it consists of standard models. This is precisely the reason for the unquenchable demand for a studio, where they can sew original clothes for a specific person. Therefore, the studio can be an excellent starting business. Why is this business so attractive for a budding entrepreneur? Continue reading

Another way to attract a guest again
According to statistics, the hotel guest spends in bed 80% of the total time spent at the hotel. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the maximum comfort of the…


Online store bedding fabrics “Rullonchik” - wholesale supplier of fabrics for bed linen. The company has existed since 2008. Skillful leadership along with competent policy became the basis of strong…


Textile business: textile production from A to Z.
In the first place in terms of demand for products has always stood and will stand the food market. This is not surprising, because it is here that goods that…


Stories about business. Atelier of children's textiles Life Flowers
Start For Maria, the story of her own business began after she became a mother. Before going on maternity leave, she worked in large companies, such as Carlsberg or Lifecell.…
