Printing pictures on clothes
How can you get 30% profit in 40 thousand in a year? Invest these funds in print on clothes, or just on fabric. This capital is enough to open a…

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How to open a confiscated business
In the public mind, trade in confiscated goods is a fairly simple type of business, based on the fact that an entrepreneur buys a large batch of goods seized at…

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Textile Industry Market Review
GENERAL INFORMATION Textiles are products made from flexible, soft fibers and threads (fabrics, cotton, netting, etc.), usually made from yarn on a loom. Textiles also include non-woven fabric: knitwear, felt,…

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lately such interior detail

Gourmet Sleep Pillows

When a guest enters a hotel room, his gaze on a subconscious level is primarily focused on curtains and bedspreads. They are responsible for the first impression of the room. But their mission is not only to please the guest, to give him a feeling of comfort. They should make his stay in the space of the room comfortable and safe.

From the point of view of textile design, it is important that the covers of the hotel room are in harmony with the curtains and correspond to the general corporate style of the hotel. Continue reading

Business ideas for women - how to build a successful business in any life situation.
In the modern world, the stereotype that asserted that a man should earn money has already faded into the background. Today there are a huge number of examples of successful…


Textile business: textile production from A to Z.
In the first place in terms of demand for products has always stood and will stand the food market. This is not surprising, because it is here that goods that…


Business Plan atelier tailoring
In any of the cities of our country, we will find a huge number of stores that may well meet the demand for clothing. Despite the variety of assorted, in…


Heimtextil 2020 - International exhibition of home textiles and fabrics for interior decoration
Heimtextil is held annually since 1971 and is the leading European exhibition of home textiles and fabrics for interior decoration. On Heimtextil you can see fabrics and upholstery, draperies, curtains,…
